
jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Posit Science Brain Fitness Review

With programs clinically proven to help you think faster, focus better, and remember more, Posit Science Brain Fitness programs are guaranteed to improve your brain function and health. Striving to help people flourish throughout their lives, they offer effective and non-invasive tools that engage the brain's natural plasticity to improve brain health. Their simple software programs really can improve the function of your brain.

Founded on the values of courage, learning, empathy, authenticity, and respect, Posit Science works hard to give you the very best in brain fitness tools to improve your quality of life. Their mission is to apply breakthroughs in brain research to enhance human performance and enhance brain health. They really do care about helping you live a better life. With their variety of programs, you are sure to find the one that's right for you.

The Brain Fitness Program speeds up and sharpens the auditory system in the mind for faster thinking, sharper focus, and better memory. InSight Brain Fitness improves how your brain takes in, reacts to, and remembers what you see. Drive Sharp strengthens your cognitive skills essential for driving. They also have the Total Training Package, which gives you the Brain Fitness Program and InSight Fitness, giving you the very best and most popular products available. With so much to choose from, it's no wonder they've been improving people's brain function and health for so long.

Whether you want to focus better, think faster, or remember more, Posit Science Fitness can help. With amazing products guaranteed to help you achieve optimum brain health, they really can help you improve your life. These easy to use programs enhance your brain function naturally. Using their brain training software will improve your brain health and function and will help you flourish throughout your life.

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How to Clear Brain Fog and Boost Memory - 3 Tips for Improving Memory

There is nothing more frustrating than trying to remember something and not being able to. You can feel the information right there on the tip of your tongue but it just won't come to mind. Commonly called senior moments, memory hiccups are often associated with those advanced in age but can happen to anyone at any time.

They usually aren't anything to be worried about. However, if you find you having them more often than not or just have a poor memory that you would like to improve - then use these tips to strengthen your memory for better thought recall:

1. Use a Mnemonic Device - This is a learning aid that assists memory recall by associating new information with other easy to remember items. For example, you may remember someone's name by associating it with the state they were born in. The more meaningful the association, the more apt you are to recall the needed information. So to remember Todd from accounting, you may associate his name and face with the unusual tie he was wearing. Needless to say, the associations should have some meaning for you otherwise the new information won't stick and you'll still be unable to recall memories.

2. Be Actively Involved - Many memory experts think that failure to recall information is not a problem of memory hiccups but one of not paying attention. Paying closer attention to what is going on around you will heighten your awareness of them and cause your mind to take particular care when logging that new information into your head to form a lasting impression. Additionally, the more active you are, the more associations you will make between the events happening around you which will make recall at a later date a lot easier.

3. Maintain a Healthy Brain - A healthy brain functions a lot better and will store and recall information much easier. There are several things you can do to improve the health of your brain. Eat a healthy diet. Stay away from excess sugar, alcohol, and other chemicals that actually deteriorate brain functions. Get plenty of exercise and take a supplement such as omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids gives the brain the nutrients it needs to maintain and enhance the transfer of information between cells which will improve your memory among other brain functions.

Strengthening your memory will take some effort. However, with awareness, practice and conscious effort, you'll reach a point where you'll be able to boast that you have a memory like an elephant.

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miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Memory Games to Help Adults

As we get older, our lives become more monotonous and routine. Because of this, our memories may become less sharper than when we were younger. It is important to keep your brain engaged. There are numerous memory games to help adults keep their brains sharp.

Memory games are helpful to adults of all ages. Some of these games will test an adult's memory with questions from the past, such as sports, politics, and fashion. Others will help an adult's short-term memory with puzzles and word games. These games can be played alone on a computer, or with a group of friends in a social setting.

To help with memory strength, there are games like Monster Garden and Word Bubbles. These increase the use of your spatial memory and will get your brain more and more engaged as the levels increase.

For long term memory development, crossword puzzles and Scrabble are very helpful. However, for a game night with friends, you can also try Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit and other memory board games.

There are also memory games for handheld game devices. Brain Age will actually put your mind through a series of tests, including mathematics. It will then grade you and give you the age of your brain. You can continue to perform different problems each day and it will track how your brain age develops.

Like many things, if you don't use your brain, you lose it. Engaging your memory function can help keep you keen and help prevent diseases such as Alzheimers.

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Exercising Your Memory

Memory is a gift of human beings that can really affect the quality of life for most of us. Imagine if you couldn't remember even the simplest of things. It would be awful.

We all think we just have the memory ability that we have, and we don't be so likely to consider that we can actually do something to improve our memory. Strictly speaking we can identify with recording capabilities.

You really can make your memory better and you can do it with a certain amount of work. The influence of normal functioning of memory. Throughout the days you should analyze the different types of memory in terms of different perspectives

The mind is kind of like a muscle. It need exercise to keep itself in shape. It needs the effort that you put into it. You must remember that there are areas set in the configuration of the brain by genetics and early development that act as limits to the intellectual power.

To begin with, keep it simple. Think about the short term things you recall without really even trying. You should note that, although we do not study lists of items, as Visigoth kings and rivers and their tributaries.

Think about the basic improvements that are possible in the short term memory capacity. Then imagine that it can be expanded over the long-term memory. But do not to spend all day trying to remember everything so forced.

Here's another trick. When you meet someone for the first time, work on remembering their name and face later on. Make a game out of it, like it all makes a difference in there somewhere.

Are you having a hard time with all this? Well, try using a pen and paper to write things down. It is a great way to get past the hump. Also worth noting that much of the memory efficiency is achieved unconsciously and do not have many ways to operate on us.

In the end you want to be able to get into a routine of doing all this stuff. You want to be working all the time to get your memory back up to snuff. You want to stay active in your mind and you will thank yourself.

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martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Tips to Keep Your Memory Active

It would be awful to lose one's memory. You need to be able to retain all the information that you need to continue living. And if you can't do that, you will have a very hard time.

We all seem to think that we have what we have, but it's not true. There are things we can do to achieve better memory abilities. We know how important it is that recording the content and structure of information.

You don't even need to put a terrific amount of effort into it, and you can make the memory better without effort. You will see how each of them has some peculiarities that can help improve memory performance. But before you start you should take stock now.

If you put just a little bit of effort into keeping your mind active, then you can work out some of the kinks. More than how to improve memory should say how to exercise this ability of the brain so as to exploit their natural potential for learning.

For starters, keep the exercises simple. Try to recall the number of a car commercial company from one minute to the next. The memory will always be working normally because the brain does not usually stop too.

The long term memory is the next thing to be effected. And the improvements in your short term memory will lead to the improvements in the other. With the general education system, it seems that human memory is exercised sufficiently.

Another trick involves when you meet people for the first time. You should make an effort to recall their name and faces. This isn't as easy for some as for others. It is a good way to work out some memory improvements.

If you find that you are having a hard time getting over the hump, try bringing a pen and paper with you when you go places. This can be an aid to help you remember things. It provides the conditions for its operation and does not prevent its natural functioning.

If you remember to do it, get into a routine of working on all this stuff. You can manage to work at it all the time and it will have a genuine effect on the ability of your memory to retain and recall things.

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Grow Your Brain - Two Simple Strategies Anybody Can Do Today

You mean: I can grow my brain?

Yes, your brain can grow in size.

Your brain cells can also grow new connections with other braincells.

Growing new braincells is called neurogenesis. Growing new connections is called neuroplasticity. Recent neuroscience discovered that our braincells can always grow in number and always can make new connections.

For Your Entire Life!

For as long as you live your brain can grow if you use your brain and do the right things.

Two simple techniques are all that you need.

Techniques number one:


Absolutely. it is that simple.Your brain cells form new connections when you walk 40 minutes, 3x per week.

I believe that you can manage 40 minutes.

One of the networks that is most affected in your brain is called: Default Mode Network. The default mode network maintains your brain when you're not stimulated. This network happens to be highly deficient among people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease.

Now, I know that you can manage 40 minutes.

Techniques number two:


By sitting still and focusing on your breath your brain will grow. Meditation can make certain parts of your cortex thicker and even a few minutes per day is enough to show results.

Sit comfortably with your back straight (a chair is fine). Breathe deeply into your belly, Follow your breath in and out with your attention.

Start with 3 minutes per day and gradually increase to 30 minutes. This way, your cortex will get thicker.

These are two simple techniques you can start using today.

Your braincells will grow larger in number and develop more connections between them.

Niels Teunis, Ph.D.

If you want to grow old with dignity, continue to live independently in your own home, and keep driving your own car...

Without relying on prescription drugs or boring brain exercises...

Then you will be ecstatic to hear that the science is in.

Modern day science is very clear. Dementia is not your fate. Your brain is making new braincells all the time.

To read more, visit: http://brainafter50.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Niels_Teunis

Niels Teunis - EzineArticles Expert Author

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lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Staying Mentally Active

The gift of memory is a gift not to be trifled with. It is a worthy thing that you can have, but that can really fade away without too much trouble if you don't work on it.

Most of us tend to just accept that we have or have not the memory that we need and we don't think about he potential for making things better on our own. Memory is a mechanism for recording, archiving and information classification, making it possible later retrieval.

Fact of the matter is that we can all do things that can render your memory better in the future. How to improve any intellectual ability is always a recurring topic. In this case, the first thing to consider is a number of factors.

Here's the key: you have to keep things active in your mind. The mind is like a muscle, and you have to work it out. A second important aspect is to understand that improving mental or physical ability does not mean that a human can get to fly or the like.

Start out with a few simple exercises, say, making short recall efforts, like the memory of commercial tag lines. The best advice is that an adequate intellectual exercise is always healthy.

The improvements in the short term memory will always without fail lead to improvements in the other type of memory, specifically the long term memory functions. When you exercise, you should make occasional rote effort.

Another trick is to really work at remembering the people you meet from time to time. Try to recall them from the first time you meet them. Link up their names and faces in your conscious mind.

If you are having a hard time, try to work with a notebook if you have one handy. This is a great way to get things in the first place. At least for the duration of education, that is some acceleration of the evolution from one generation to another.

The key is to get into a routine where you actually are working on your memory at all times instead of not at all or just a little bit here and a little bit there. The key is to stay mentally active.

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domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

The secrets to achieving A well trained mind

There are whole number of ways that individual can achieve a well-trained mind where, it is very important to understand the attributes of a well trained mind visa vie a normal mind. You should understand that training of the mind can open various functions affecting success in an individual course of life. The mind is a complicated state of mind that fully understood or out even of the most detailed scientists cannot. In fact, some of the best done brain and mind research to report an individual uses less than 30 percent are their whole brain capacity, such factual statements proves the complexity revelation overall functions and States of mind involved. Research however provides that you can actually train to reach your opinion on certain lifestyle qualities. Well-trained mind master certain acts that desired results are effective. There are a number of ways in which an individual can reach training spirit; some of the most popular treatments include the use of drugs. However, some of these drugs affect drug addiction tendencies, especially when abused.

Searches and other mental disorders are the main reasons why most people exercise mind to indulge. Law of attraction in the minds of improved actions are remarkable acts self improvements. Technology is the most sought after spirit therapy, the most efficient law of attraction Tools products to achieve a well-trained mind. These techniques takes advantage of the brain function research means in the development of these techniques use the brains ability to use wave frequencies for tasks.Any form of law of attraction tools product has embedded messages into the subconscious mind by listening, induced show sounds or images it is very important to understand that the conscious mind does not in anyway in this process it participates, as neither understands these embedded messages.

The introduction of various encoded wave frequencies in the spirit through different media forms is the main source of unconscious learning.The consistent introduction of these messages is for a change in mindset, the beneficial in create or develop new behaviors ist.Es is very important for an individual to have full information about the type of therapy, wishing to influence law of attraction products come in various shapes and packaged in certain packages.For example, an individual who perform acts interest in anti-procrastination, procrastination to buy tools to reduce the Vice is recommended law of attraction.

However, it is very important to understand that the spirit, function and Act, made without any form of external aid whatsoever wird.Es gives more power to law of attraction in self development than any other type of therapy to perform acts or aid available to achieve a well-trained mind as easy as causes positive thinking in everything that can be an individual can tut.Verwendung acts of law of attractions open untapped opportunities in an individual's life.

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