The gift of memory is a gift not to be trifled with. It is a worthy thing that you can have, but that can really fade away without too much trouble if you don't work on it.
Most of us tend to just accept that we have or have not the memory that we need and we don't think about he potential for making things better on our own. Memory is a mechanism for recording, archiving and information classification, making it possible later retrieval.
Fact of the matter is that we can all do things that can render your memory better in the future. How to improve any intellectual ability is always a recurring topic. In this case, the first thing to consider is a number of factors.
Here's the key: you have to keep things active in your mind. The mind is like a muscle, and you have to work it out. A second important aspect is to understand that improving mental or physical ability does not mean that a human can get to fly or the like.
Start out with a few simple exercises, say, making short recall efforts, like the memory of commercial tag lines. The best advice is that an adequate intellectual exercise is always healthy.
The improvements in the short term memory will always without fail lead to improvements in the other type of memory, specifically the long term memory functions. When you exercise, you should make occasional rote effort.
Another trick is to really work at remembering the people you meet from time to time. Try to recall them from the first time you meet them. Link up their names and faces in your conscious mind.
If you are having a hard time, try to work with a notebook if you have one handy. This is a great way to get things in the first place. At least for the duration of education, that is some acceleration of the evolution from one generation to another.
The key is to get into a routine where you actually are working on your memory at all times instead of not at all or just a little bit here and a little bit there. The key is to stay mentally active.
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